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It’s Deeper Than Music #3

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Events & Workshop

November 20, 2020 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm


It’s Deeper Than Music Phase III

For All Youth Ages 15-20

So we’ve covered the fact (through our earlier Phase I and Phase II Live and Virtual workshops) that many young artists ​don’t know the next steps​ they should be taking in their intended or potential career in the music industry. Now, we’re going to address both of those problems with a method commonly used by entrepreneurs – a business plan, or in this case, a musician career plan.

Surely, there has to be some I can finally be included in the music industry?

Now is the time for some real commitment. It’s the time for more all-aged shows, and more career development opportunities.

We are sure you’ve got countless stories, which you can talk to the impact music has had on you, so please read carefully, and see what more you could be doing to ensure a successful future music industry. This program will be packed with insight, facts and examples from professional artists and business people that have created the future of music!

Workshop themes will include:

  • ●  How to Make Money in the Industry
  • ●  What it Takes to Make a Song
  • ●  Breaking Down the Music (publishing, performance royalties)
  • ●  Various Fields and vocations in the music Industry
  • ●  The opportunity to ask established artists about their career and creation process
  • ●  What’s in the Studio? ​A look into the creative space and work station.

Dates: November 24, 2020 to March 15, 2021

Session Delivery: Via Zoom
