COLLECTION: The personal information you have provided is collected under the authority of the Nova Scotia Freedom of Information & Protection Act and the Employment Insurance Act of Canada and will be used only verification of service eligibility and administration of the applicable service.
USE: The personal information collected will only be used and disclosed in keeping with the access and privacy provisions of the Nova Scotia Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and the Nova Scotia Personal Information International Disclosure Protection Act. Uses may include: determining services appropriate to the needs of the client, determining eligibility for programs during an agreement funded by Employment Nova Scotia and to provide statistical information to agencies providing funding support to the services offered.
DISCLOSURE: The personal information provided may be shared with a service provider organization, service Canada, Employment Insurance, the Department of Community Services, Employment Nova Scotia and / or a training institution that is administering a program or service. This information may include: contact information, return to work action plan, eligibility for employment benefits, service eligibility, marks, attendance, and proof of financial payments to the training institution. The personal information provided may also be shared with other relevant departments within Government of Canada and the Canada Revenue Workforce Development Agreement.
ACCESS: Pursuant to the Nova Scotia Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act individuals have the right to protection of, and access to, their personal information. To obtain access to, or request correction of, your personal information collected and used by VANSDA please contact the organization at or phone (902) 678-7410 ext. 201.
I acknowledge that I have read and understand the above information regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of my personal information: